ODAS 2023 is dedicated to Aerospace and Climate Protection.
Climate change is a major issue for our society. Aerospace domain, as an industrial and economic player, but also as a field of high-level research, must contribute through its scientific advances to providing solutions to the challenges raised by climate change. The first effort should naturally focus on reducing the impact of aviation on the climate: reducing the consumption of transport aviation, adapting to green fuels, and decarbonization are the first research topics. Understanding this impact on the atmosphere at the aircraft and global levels is a second topic. At the same time, aerospace is a powerful tool to help face future challenges: it is an essential vector to characterize the atmosphere, especially the contributors to the greenhouse effect, and thus to predict climate change over the long term, but also to better anticipate and manage future short term disasters (landslides, forest fires ...).
May include the following TOPICS
Ultra-efficient aircraft
Zero emission propulsion systems
Climate impact from aircraft scale to atmosphere scale
Earth observation techniques
Disaster management
Calendar of Events
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 10, 2023
Notification to Authors: April 15, 2023
Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2023
Attendance is limited to ONERA and DLR speakers and close colleagues; some outside speakers may be invited in order to provide an external perspective.
The conference proceedings will not be placed in the public domain but will be made available to participants.
A one-day workshop will be held just before ODAS 2023 around the different AI topics for Aerospace (see satellite event page).